Volunteer With Us

We rely heavily on students, churches, community clubs, businesses, individuals and other groups who support Dismas. It is truly special when individuals commit their energy and time to show residents all the supportive networks our community has to offer.

Interested in volunteering? Click the link below and fill out our volunteer interest form.

How Our Community Brings Change to Dismas

Our volunteers help give our residents the feeling that they are not going through these new journeys alone. Sometimes, volunteers are just there as understanding, fellow humans.

Come volunteer at Dismas!

Our greatest need from community members is to spend an evening throughout the week (Monday–Thursday) at our home. Our volunteer cooks spend their time preparing a meal, sitting, eating and chatting with our residents. To explore other service opportunities, contact Dismas staff. Our team is also interested in hearing other ways individuals and community groups can assist our residents. 

General Community Opportunities

Prepare a Family Meal

Prepare and share a meal one evening with our residents and staff. Every Monday through Thursday at 6:30, we gather as a family for our evening meals.

Assist in Residential Programming

Depending on credentials, volunteers can help with residential mentoring, peer support, tutoring services, etc. Contact Dismas’ Program Director to explore these opportunities.

Plan a Group Service Day

Want to plan a group renovation or partnership project with our residents? Contact Dismas’ Executive or Program Director. 

Student Residency Opportunities

Become a Live-In Student Resident

Many of our Student Residents decide to live at Dismas because they understand forgiveness and reconciliation are important, not only for our residents, but to our student residents as well. Many student residents come back to visit the house and have wonderful memories they want to re-visit. Living at Dismas is an experience no one forgets.

Saint Mary’s College Summer Student Resident Scholarship

Students’ room and board is paid for by the Sisters of Holy Cross.

Student Internship Opportunities

School of Social Work Students

Dismas can serve as a Field Practicum Site for MSW/BSW students
who are students at Indiana University South Bend or Saint Mary’s College.

Federal Work-Study Opportunities

For University of Notre Dame, Indiana University South Bend and Saint Mary’s College students.

Other Internship Opportunities

Dismas has hosted a variety of other student internship programs, including students from Bethel University, the University of Notre Dame’s (ND) Political Science Department, ND Law School, ND Nonprofit Management program, Ivy Tech’s Health Science Program and  a variety of criminal justice programs. We are always interested in exploring opportunities with academic departments and forming new partnerships with student internship programs.

General Student Service Opportunities

Student Club/Groups Cook Nights

Contact Dismas’ Program Director to coordinate sharing a meal one evening with our residents. 

Plan a Group Service Day

Want to plan a group renovation or partnership project with our residents? Contact Dismas’ Executive or Program Director.

Programming Assistance

Spend one evening per week helping residents with GED or general life skills programming.

Tutor Opportunities Available

Currently provided through Notre Dame’s Mercy Works Program.