What We Do

Dismas House of Indiana is a not-for-profit organization that provides housing and services to returning citizens. Our residents consist of returning citizens and junior/senior undergraduate or graduate college students, living and working together to foster a supportive community. Through programs, services and a supportive and productive community, returning citizens gain communication and social skills, a new respect for education and secure employment. Through interaction with returning citizens, students gain skills that can be later adapted and incorporated in their studies and careers.


Dismas typically accept individuals from Parole District 8 in Indiana (which includes St. Joseph, Elkhart, Marshall, Starke, Pulaski, Fulton, White, Cass, Miami, Wabash, Howard and Tipton counties), but we can accept individuals from other areas throughout Indiana and beyond.
Dismas generally helps people returning from incarceration but can also house individuals on community corrections/community transition programs, those court ordered by judges and can assist in modification reviews before a court (fee applies). Dismas does not take anyone with pending charges, unless we receive a court order; the applicant is then assessed by the Review Committee for acceptance into the Dismas Program.
Dismas requires applicants to submit an application allowing staff to obtain an applicant’s sentencing documents and records while they were incarcerated (such as job performance, conduct reports, etc.). Once staff obtain these documents, applicants are interviewed and, after the interview, they are then assessed by our Review Committee.
Restrictions: We do not take sex offenders, arsonists or people with a repeated history of violence.
Organizational Affiliations
Community Partnerships
Volunteer With Us

Our Transitional Housing Services

Reasonable Program Fees for Individual Men and Women Coming from Incarceration

  • Dismas charges residents $115/week and are able to bill the states Recovery Works program. Recovery Works will reimburse Dismas for up to 3-months of a resident’s stay while they are participating in a Relapse Prevention Program through one of our community partners.
  • Included in a resident’s programming fees are room & board, their Dismas programming services, access to free laundry facilities, the house’s Wi-Fi network, computer lab and access to an open kitchen.
  • Dismas has a paid work agreement policy with residents meaning when something breaks, the residents are expected to try to fix things before we call a repair person. They receive a reduction of fees for extra work around the house outside of their programming requirements.
  • Dismas helps individuals obtain health insurance, navigate social security and disability claims, divorces and license reinstatements. Dismas cannot provide legal advice or pay court costs/fees.

Dismas Offers the Following Transitional Services

Dismas provides residents with basic necessities upon entry to our program and provide clothing assistance.
Dismas assist residents as needed file social security, disability claims, obtain health insurance, state identification, reinstate drive license and/or obtaining a Social Security Card.

Dismas also can help residents with divorces and other court matters. Dismas cannot provide legal advice or pay court costs/fees.

Our Programming Services

Employment and Educational Services
  • Job Preparedness Services
    Resume Building & Interviewing Skills
  • Tutoring for residents to obtain their GED/TASC
  • College Prep & Navigating Financial Aid Services
Substance Abuse Services
  • In house Substance Use Disorder Services (Individual/Group)
  • Peer Support/Mentoring Programming
  • Community NA/AA meeting requirements
  • Referral Services to Recovery Works Community Partners/ IOP Providers
Group Programming Services
  • Gender Based Women’s Group & Men’s Groups
  • Trauma Based Services
  • Financial Management
Mental Wellness & Health
  • Anger Management & Interpersonal Skill Services
  • Reiki (through a separate organization, The Vibrance Center of Michiana)
  • Health & Wellness Courses (through separate organization, Purdue Extensions & Veg Fest)
Community Based Services
  • Connect residents with a variety of employers
  • Connect residents with community partners to volunteer their time and services with local organizations
Life Skill Workshops & Financial Stability Services
  • Individual and Group workshops
Individualized Residential Case Management Services
  • Weekly services

Volunteer With Us!

 Dismas cannot work without the support of its incredible volunteer base.

Hundreds of volunteers prepare meals throughout the year and Keenan Hall,
from the University of Notre Dame, spend one night a week each to prepare the meal at our house. 

Join us and help make a difference!